I finally got my brain, projects and digital camera in the same place last night. As you can see, I am quite enamoured with
variegated yarns right now. And I need to use it sparingly and in appropriate projects.
The first one is the hot pad as taught by Amber Gamble through
LoomClass. This is the version as done on the purple long loom. I used a super chunky yarn in cool colors. The yarn is thicker than what she called for, but I do like the weight. My 7yo was concerned about that whole burning fingers thing that a thinner yarn would encourage. Luckily, I don't let the 7yo pull stuff outta the oven.
So now is the "what I would do differently" part: I would leave a longer ending tail and not use the starting yard for my
single crochet loop. I would use a solid yarn so you
could see the checkerboard pattern Amber was going for. I still like the weight of
the yarn, so I would leave that as it is. That means I won't complain when I have to wrestle with the yarn.

Next is my first dishcloth. This is not the Summer Delight, but my
original chart, Nile Goddess. I used Sugar 'n Cream cotton in the pink. Again, the
variegated yarn makes the pattern impossible to see. I'll redo it in a solid color next time.
I learned a lot about charting a pattern with this one. Using a dish rake from Lynn
Markman, I realized that the Excel sheet I created is not the same scale as the rake was. I had to make numerous tweaks to the pattern so she would come out too short and
squatty. But this experience has spurred my creativity in designing some other dishcloth patterns. I'm working a new one now.

The last
variegated yarn project is this rug. (Potential long story alert!) I found some cool yarn on eBay. The story I was given (not saying I don't believe it as it is a great marketing point if I should want to continue working with this yarn, though) is that the yarn is made by Tibetan widows with families to support using the cast off threads from silk saris in Nepal. The colors are vibrant, the yarn has an amazing lack of consistency and it throws threads all over the place. I LOVE IT! (I had better love it as I bought 30 skeins of it.) I made this using the blue long loom as a flat panel.
On a sad note, one of the pegs on my blue loom broke - just as I found a great market bag pattern using
the blue long loom as a round. *sigh* I have email
ProvoCraft to see if they see replacement pegs. No answer. I don't want to buy a new set (even though Joann's has a 50% off sale going on, but who needs two sets for one peg?) I have asked my husband if he could fabricate a dowel to fit the spot. Probably so.)

Lastly, my finally completed Mystery Project #1. I know, I know, I ought to do that I-cord handle, but it took me this long to finish this baby up! Again, the project itself didn't take long, but that whole get my act together thing get tougher to pull off these days.
Yes, I know, my scissors are slightly too big for the holder. But I was able to toss the whole thing into my bag to show off to a needle knit friend at the Library. But - she left before I got to talk to her.
Next projects are dishcloths to test drive. I have a couple of kids' hats ideas I sketched out and that I-cord class is needing to be finished.
And maybe I'll try some sewing -