Seems to be a color pattern
This pic is of the bag before felting. I followed the directions - mostly. I knit the bottom according to spec and the sides and flap to spec. The strap was the the asked for 44". I used all 10 skeins of yarn I had purchased and was *this close* tp ordering more. Of course, if I ordered more, it would have been another batch of a bazillion balls. I really like the yarn.
Even my friend WhiskeyJack was impressed. Well, not impressed but she did like the result.
These are the coks I knitted up for the Girl. I made myself a pair using Cascade Yarns Fascination. Stretchy cotton, what a concept. It's a blue, purple and teal color scheme. (Yes, I do like the cooler colors. Wat 'til I finish my next pair of socks......)
Anyway, I made myself a pair of sock with a larger than asked for leg section because of my firm well-developed (GRRR!) calves. I cast on what? 66? then decreased by two every 10 rows to get to 56. I was using the Sensational Knitted Socks 4-stitch pattern chart. I made them both with a K2P2 ribbing.
I finished mine with 2 partial balls and a whole ball left. I thought, "Sure I knit up a pair for the Girl." She agreed, but wanted knee socks. Man, it was tense on the second sock. I knit so tightly on that one just to make sure I had enough yarn left, the sock is smaller than the first one. I did have yarn left - about a yard. The second toe is all messed up. Never parent two 4 - 5 yos while you are working the Kitchener stitch.
My next projects are:
- a Jayne Hat on a Knifty Knitter. I'll use my leftover acrylic on that.
- 2 prayer shawls. I have started one ofr my friend, Katy in TN. I am using Lion Homespun in Colonial for those. And any others until I use up the on sale 10 skein batch I bought a while back.
- more socks. This first pair will be with KP's Essential in Peacock Multi. Then another in Risata. That'll be a cable sock. And another in another multi color scheme that I don't remember.
- and any more of those messenger bags.
- More Jayne hats in proper wool if I let WJ have her way
- dishcloths as I feel like it and soap bags.
Hm, I'm not bored, that's for sure.....
I'm very interested in a pattern for the Jayne hat on a Knifty Knitter. Did you find one somewhere or could you perhaps point me in the direction that I need to go? :\ Thanks!
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