Here's my first attempt at felting. And I must say I am really happy with it. It's the Messenger Bag pattern from Knitting for Peace. I used Knit Picks Wool of the Andes Shamrock in Callahan. So it was this cool purply blue with a strand of pink through it.
This pic is of the bag before felting. I followed the directions - mostly. I knit the bottom according to spec and the sides and flap to spec. The strap was the the asked for 44". I used all 10 skeins of yarn I had purchased and was *this close* tp ordering more. Of course, if I ordered more, it would have been another batch of a bazillion balls. I really like the yarn.

And here is the bag just after I pulled it from the wash. OK, well, almost as soon as I pulled it out of the washer. I swped one of Himself's storage show boxes and coered it with a Tarjay bag to help it shape up. I ran it twice through the cycle. The fabric is solid. I had to stretch the flap a bit to get it to cover the bag. But it wasn't any major problem. The strap is perfect for me. One i use it a bit, I'll decide if I'll line it all to help stop any stretching out from usage.
Even my friend WhiskeyJack was impressed. Well, not impressed but she did like the result.

These are the coks I knitted up for the Girl. I made myself a pair using Cascade Yarns Fascination. Stretchy cotton, what a concept. It's a blue, purple and teal color scheme. (Yes, I do like the cooler colors. Wat 'til I finish my next pair of socks......)
Anyway, I made myself a pair of sock with a larger than asked for leg section because of my firm well-developed (GRRR!) calves. I cast on what? 66? then decreased by two every 10 rows to get to 56. I was using the Sensational Knitted Socks 4-stitch pattern chart. I made them both with a K2P2 ribbing.
I finished mine with 2 partial balls and a whole ball left. I thought, "Sure I knit up a pair for the Girl." She agreed, but wanted knee socks. Man, it was tense on the second sock. I knit so tightly on that one just to make sure I had enough yarn left, the sock is smaller than the first one. I did have yarn left - about a yard. The second toe is all messed up. Never parent two 4 - 5 yos while you are working the Kitchener stitch.
My next projects are:
- a Jayne Hat on a Knifty Knitter. I'll use my leftover acrylic on that.
- 2 prayer shawls. I have started one ofr my friend, Katy in TN. I am using Lion Homespun in Colonial for those. And any others until I use up the on sale 10 skein batch I bought a while back.
- more socks. This first pair will be with KP's Essential in Peacock Multi. Then another in Risata. That'll be a cable sock. And another in another multi color scheme that I don't remember.
- and any more of those messenger bags.
- More Jayne hats in proper wool if I let WJ have her way
- dishcloths as I feel like it and soap bags.
Hm, I'm not bored, that's for sure.....