My Sewing Tally so far - no pics yet
Two broomsticks skirts
One red and white Girl skirt
Two Girl dresses
Two red and white shirts
Two firelick shorts
Two firelick pants
One stripedy pants
One stripedy shorts
I am now working on three pairs of African pants (Folkwear). Two for me and one for PS ("I love gussets!")
I broke down and bought The Girl a pink sweatsuit with hoodie so she can be a "pink dog" for Halloween. I need to add ears to the hoodie, make some mittens and spats to pinkify her completely. I have to check my stash to see if I have a bubble gum pink fabric. I know I have hot pink, but then that would clash.
The Girl is excited t\aaht I will put dog make-up on her for the whiskers and nose.