(BTW, I think that kid is pretty stinkin' cute. But then again, I might be biased.)
So here's my second original design. (The first one being a cable knit shawl for which I don't have "in process" pics yet." Hm, come to think of it, I don't have a finished project either. Add that to the chekc list.")
The hat! Ah, yes, the hat is made with Sensations Life yard. Rainbow or Carnivale or whatever multi-colored yarn it was. Double strand. (Yes, I *do* take good notes, huh?) I used a woven bag bottom for the top. Had to frog it the first time as it was waaaaaayyyyy too tight. BTW, yarn does not like to be repeatedly pulled around and through other yarn. So I had to get it right the second time.
Anyway, woven top with ewrap rows for the sides. Long single strand tassels with rainbow paillettes on the end. I had tried the flat knit stitch, even with the U-wrap and it looked like a poofta. All wrong. I tinked it and started again with the ewrap at a point as closeto the end of the basket weave as I dared. I'm pretty happy with it.
The colors bring to mind a friend of mine. I showed the hat to her while it was still on the loom this afternoon. She said it would be too big for her. Really? Yes, she can wear her 7yo son's hats. But now his hats are getting to big for her. That is one small head.
So now, I have a few ways to go: Cable knit shawl pics, barrel bag, clean house for incoming in-laws, cut out fabric, or hang out wiht my fez on.
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