I check the dates on my blogs and see it ahs been a while since I posted last. Well, what wth homeschooling, knitting and driving everywhere, I haven't had much time to post. So this is a "ketchup" posting of what I've done. Boy, are you in for it.

This is a dishcloth using a yarn forward on needles. I like it. I could point out where I messed up, but you either don't care, or can see t anyway.

A needle knit pattern of a rose done on needles.

Same needle knit pattern done on a loom.

Soap scrap bags for WhiskeyJack.

My first dishcloth on needles knitting 2 together and picking up a bar. The motion was fun. This discloth shows my propensity to switch right side during knitting Pretty annoying but I think Knitting Kathy figured out what happens. I put doen the work, then pick it back up and repeat the last row I did, thereby switching everything around. *sigh* Please notice the lovely angle I managed to kniot in. No, I'll never tell how I got it to happen ('cuz it's some screw-up and I don't know *how* it happened.

And this one is a short row circular. The middle sticks up like a cone but, hey! it's a dishcloth.
I am working on a twisted cable dishcloth that I want to adjust for the loom. I also want to make a simple pullover sweater and a complicated aran knit sweater. I'll start socks too soon.
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